Wednesday 14 January 2015

Transforming a Studio – Part II

Back in November I posted about cleaning up and organizing my studio space, even showing some photos with visible bench space! Well that didn't last too long. Here’s what it looked like during the muffin tin challenge at the start of January.

Hiding under that tin were the components for another 4 or 5 projects either waiting for inspiration, waiting to start, on the go, waiting for clasps, or waiting to be photographed, priced and posted…

Here it is less than 2 weeks later and I finally feel like I’m getting somewhere in my messy space challenge. I purchased a new organizational unit (actually a scrapbook organizer on clearance) and have almost filled it. Two of the drawers are filled with copper wire.

One photo I never remembered to take was the one of the comfy chair right beside my desk with the large box full of copper wire, and all the extra copper wire waiting to be stripped of its coating. We had our heating system replaced last summer and they had to change some of the wiring because it was undersized for the load. I kept all the old wire, filling 2 drawers with it. I am upcycling bit by bit. I figure that I should run out in about 20 years – it was a long run of wire.

Three of the remaining drawers are filled with chain, sheet metal and packaging supplies. The last drawer is already partly filled with links and bead caps.

Everything else I either put away or placed in project containers that I've been collecting – old fridge containers with no lids, empty plastic containers for bulk cashews and other snacks, and so on.

The photos below show what the space looks like now, one project in progress. That’s the plan, one project actively being worked on at a time, any others kept in containers, either resting from a process (drying, etching, tumbling, whatever) or waiting their turn to be started. These are all in that stack on the left side.

Now comes the real challenge. Sticking to my new method…

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