Monday, 22 June 2015

Making Space in the Studio

Remember this from early May? Remember how excited I was? Just a little studio rearranging and some new feet, and it would be good to go.

“New” old storage cabinet

I still love the cabinet, just haven’t been able to put it to use yet. I started rearranging things, happily moving the Ikea cabinet that holds all my gemstone, pearls and beads now, to a different section of the basement, actually outside the studio space, and moving other items out of the way “temporarily”.

This cabinet under the desk was moved outside the studio

Then I measured the available space and the cabinet…and…came to a screeching stop. The cabinet would not fit in the opening! It was too wide by a good 4 inches.

Well now what? There was no way I was going to give up my beloved cabinet! The “bench” had to go. Until now I’ve been using a hollow core door propped onto 2 metal sliding shelf organizers as my desk. It had advantages, lots of space, and disadvantages, not strong enough to hammer on except at the edge. 

So, I’ve spent the last few weeks looking for a new bench or desk. After spending last weekend selling at the local craft festival, I took today off from my bill paying job and went searching again. My first stop was at the local Restore outlet where I found this desk. A hotel had refurbished a lot of their rooms and donated much of the furniture. There was damage on the front side of the desk, not visible in this photo, where something had been screwed in, and I got it for a bargain price.

A desk from a hotel with my vacuum hiding underneath

Now all I have to do is pack up everything that’s on the bench and the shelf above. The shelf needs reinforcing and the two pieces of wood sitting on the bench, helping hold it up, have to go.

The rearranging starts as soon as I finish the commission orders from the weekend.

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